patched or .fprow_warc.inp file.
This process will also update all the Fire Pro Wrestling World save files, so you can quit the Fire Pro World Patcher and relaunch the game. It will take a while, but it won't be long before you are back on your feet.
You can also copy and paste the contents of your mod_suite directory to your Fire Pro Wrestling World directory, but doing so is not recommended unless you are willing to spend a few minutes with a text editor.
Mod Suites in Steam
If you own Fire Pro Wrestling World via Steam, you can use Steam to install mods.
For those of you without the Fire Pro Wrestling World launcher, or for those new to Steam, let's use an example of how Steam manages mods.
Let's say you want to use the mod suite that you have on this page and have it appear in the game.
Do the following:
Open Steam
If you have not used Steam previously, you will be prompted to create a new account and log in. Once you have logged in, select "File" -> "Open File Location" and navigate to where you have downloaded the mod suite.
Alternatively, for Steam users, press "Windows" button + "L" to bring up your Taskbar and select "Steam." You can then go to the "Library" tab, select the "Modules" folder, and drag the files you want into the folder.
Once the mod suite is installed, select "Modules" in the "Steam" application.
All of the mods will appear in the "Modules" tab of the Steam application.
Mod Suites in MPQ Files
With Steam, you cannot use Steam to install mods. The reason for this is that mods are stored in a different location than your game files and Steam requires all files to be installed in the same place.
Fortunately, you can use MPQ files to install mods. While there is a multitude of methods for doing so, I will outline the process for you so that you can quickly and easily install any mods you like.
To install a mod, first create a folder of your choice (i.e. "mods"). Inside this folder, you need to create a new file with a.mpq extension (i.e. "dude_drowning_castle_mod.mpq").
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